Thursday, November 20, 2008

Santoy Lake, Eli Mijakibinens.

Just added a couple of more photos to the bottom of the page. The one at the very bottom is my Grandfather on my dad's side. Eli Mijakibinens ( Michano ). Long story there. May go into it there when I create my Genealogy Page.

The photo was taken sometimes in the 1930's. Eli died of some type of lung disease when his family was quite young. They trapped the Jackfish, Santoy Lake ( Mountain Lake ), Owl Lake, Steel Lake, Cairngorm Lake ( Trout Lake ), Killala Lake areas. They had canoe routes all over this area including the one now popularily used by paddlers through Diablo Lake ( Devil Lake ) to Steel Lk then down the Steel River to Larry Lake. ( The names in brackets are the names the Anishnabek used to call them ). The old cabins were on the south side of Jackfish Lake. They also appear to have had a cabin on the Santoy somewhere. I have a photo. Will post it someday.

Annie. Working on the Tripoli stuff. Do you have photos?

Brenda. Eli Mijakibinens is your grandfather.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Annie W

Yeah. Hang in there Annie. Check back once in a while. I'm trying to include all the trips I've gone on since I started taking digital photos. Have to organize all those photos. For now look on Google Earth or Panoramio. I've got some photos there of our Bremner R. trip. Will put the Tripoli Trip oin there also. Just going to take a while. I'll try to post the "Journal" of the trip also.
When I get going I will try to include maps also.
Just takes time.
Dunc M

Friday, November 14, 2008

Have a bit more patience.

Hang tight. I'm getting the hang of it.

Will post more photos and a few slideshows.

Mishomis ( Dunc M )

New Blog Site, Mishomis.

Have patience. Just created this and am working on it and becoming familiar with the inner workings.

Dunc M ( Mishomis )