Thursday, December 11, 2008

Canoe Trip, Bremner River, Aug 2008

See links on left sidebar. Slideshow of photos of the Aug. 2008, Bremner River Trip I made with my chum David Desmoulin, Samantha Courchene and Chantal Cress. The portages were all grown in and we had to cut them all out so it was a bit tough to say the least but the girls hung in there and did a good job. Hope they can come out on another trip someday. Perhaps Wabakimi or Caribou Prov Park. Also see some good areas north of Sioux Lookout also.

Also would like to paddle from here up the Pic River to White Otter Lk, over height of land to Nagagami R then down to Kenogami and Albany to James Bay. Probably take 6 wks to a month so I'll probably have to wait 'till I retire for that one. It is a historical route for our people, the Anishnabek also.

Any takers??????

When the going gets tough the tough get going.

School Outers Club Links

I've added a few more links today to some of the schools in the region that provide canoeing as part of their curriculm in the Outers Club. See the school links to the left side bar.

There are some good photos there as well as some interesting historical items in the Atikokan High School site. They have been running an Outdoor Program since the 1960's. I recognize at least one name there. He now works for OMNDM in Thunder Bay.

Atikokan, Gearldton, Manitouwadge and Wawa ( Michipicoten High ) all have outdoor programs. Marathon High HAD one but discontinued it for some reason.

I would like to see a program like that in Pic River.

Anyway enjoy the phots. I will be posting a lot more just after New Years when I have more time.

Dunc M ( Mishomis )